About Us

The Teach Me Craps team came about back in 2000 when Angelo De Constanzi was teaching rules, game play and etiquette to casino clients in Las Vegas. Prior to teaching, Angelo had been in the restaurant business and played casually at casinos on week-ends. He is a mean Blackjack player, but when he discovered Craps, it unleashed a passion in him that lead him to pursue the game full time and to become a true master and instructor. It all happened by pure fluke actually, there was never an intention of setting up a "team", that just kinda happened...

Angelo's first addition to the team happened when he spotted the very talented Yaniv, (check out the dodgy glasses!) who moved to the US in 1998 and has more of an interest in the fast life, having fun with the pretty girls in whatever city he may find himself in and making some large money on the craps tables than anything else. Yaniv’s style is a little arrogant and flamboyant and I have yet to see a table that doesn't end up with screaming groupies when he plays.
With the personality to pull the crowds and a seemingly endless stream of luck with the intelligence and skill to back it up make him a formidable contender.
In Angelo's words, Yaniv has as much brain as he does brawn when he can stop chasing the "skirts". The two became fast friends as Angelo taught Yaniv the intricate details of the game and over the years this has developed into a Father-son like bond which makes Yaniv the most shouted at member of our team.

Next came Gabriel, again through the Craps school. Don't let the pretty boy face fool you, under the angelic exterior lies the heart of a joker and some of the most amazing craps talent you will ever see. Gabe not only pulls off smooth at the tables but he has got some serious style when it comes to the game. He is pretty much a mathematical genius and we’ve watched the entire craps pit crew gape in awe as he shouts out the odds payoffs before they can be calculated.
Angelo invested more time in these two young men and quickly educated them in the art of the game and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly they caught on and even developed strategies of their own that proved to be highly valuable.

I joined the team about 9 months in, my name is Peter and I'm actually Angelo's son-in-law. My addition came at a practice session for the guys which my wife, Valeria and I were dragged into. Having a father who is a master, Val learnt everything there is to know about the game and passed a lot of the knowledge on to me. Angelo originally wanted Val on the team but her commitment to our two girls made her decline, I was offered as a substitute and accepted mostly because I am in the IT profession and Angelo had a website in mind...
After A LOT of training from both my wife and father-in-law I've learnt to hold my own and feel that I give beginners a good sense of the game (probably because I'm more on their level!). I also provide the number of interesting facts and history on the game that no one else seems to care about.
And so our team was complete, or so we thought until we met Samantha, a day none of us would ever forget.

We had travelled to Atlantic City for a bit of a change of scenery and on our second night there saw a packed craps table with so many screaming people around it that one struggled to hear above the noise. Angelo immediately said "let's check this guy out". Now imagine the look on our faces when "this guy" turned out to be a woman who was on roll and possessed a certain Miss America charm about her (notice the pic, she actually has done some modelling).
Your first though might have been that she was just some broad who had a lucky streak going, but the dice control she possessed was unmistakably professional. Upon later introduction we learned that this pretty package was actually really smart too and had a degree in Business. She had been introduced to the game by an extravagant ex-boyfriend and Sam, whose obsessive compulsive and highly competitive nature got the best of her, read every inch of strategy and material she could find on the game and then spent week-ends at the casinos mastering the art until she was a pro. Every thing she knows she taught herself and being guys, we quickly added her to the team on a part time basis due to her business commitments, for that "female" touch (of course the fact that she is really hot didn’t have any bearing!).
After playing craps for a number of years for fun and profit, and running successful craps school seminars around the world, we decided to introduce more people to the game and offer a place where players could benefit from the experience we’ve gained and finally launched the Teach Me Craps website Angelo had envisioned.
As you will discover on our site, we are very passionate about this dice game, and we're sure you will be too. There is just something that is addictive about it...with one roll of those dice, you feel like a superstar! Enjoy!
The Teach Me Craps Team
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